Do you know what is Kaomoji?
If you don't know, now i gonna tell you.
Many Japanese people love to use emoticons, kaomoji, on their cell phones or computers!
Emoticon and smileys is big in the Internet world especially Japan.The uniquely Japanese face icons called Kaomoji (顔文字 or facemark), which means texts that formed a facial expression. Kaomoji can be used and seen especially on chat room, text messaging, e-mail etc.The influence on the construction of many of these kaomoji comes from how faces are drawn in popular Japanese cartoons, or anime.
Many Japanese people love to use emoticons and kaomoji because emoticons are so popular.
Sometimes I am very impressed on the cuteness and wide range of Japanese emoticons.
Most of the People understand the kaomoji but the people outside of Japan might be confused with the strange faces.Just like me, some of the emoticon really make me confused.
Here are the examples.
1 (^_^) or (^_^)Laughing
2 (>_<)> Troubled
3 (^_^;) Troubled
4 (ToT) Crying
5 m(_ _)m Apologising
6 (^^ゞ or (^^;) Shy
7 ( ̄ー ̄) Grinning
8 (≧∇≦)/ Joyful
9 ( ̄□ ̄;) Surprised
10 (#^.^#) Shy
11 (*´▽`*) Infatuation
12 (ーー;) Worried
13 (*^▽^*) Joyful
14 _
 ̄○, orz, OTL Depressed
15 (^▽^) Laughing
16 キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!, (゜∀゜), 1 I think it is “I’m here!!!”, but I just don’t really know!
17 (´・ω・`) Snubbed
18 ( ゚ Д゚) Shocked
19 (・∀・) Laughing
20 (T▽T) Crying
21 (* ̄m ̄)Dissatisfied
22 ( ´∀`) Laughing
23 (⌒▽⌒) Laughing
24 (^v^) Laughing
25 ヽ(´ー`) Mellow
26 (’-’*) Laughing
27 (’A`) Snubbed
28 (゜◇゜) Surprised
29 (*°∀°) Infatuation
30 ∩( ・ω・)∩, ( ・ω・) Joyful
Since hiragana, katakana and kanji can be used to create faces, the variations of kaomoji are numberless.
Lot more interesting than Western emoticons no? My answer is YES !! So Kawaii!! O(≧∇≦)O
Below the picture show the Kawaii Kaomojikun figures featuring Japanese emoticons.
Kaomojikun so cute ~ (*^▽^*)
If you also like these Kawaii emoticons , I have some very useful websites to share:
I was looking for this :D i fancy this type of emoticons xD they look adorable thanks for putting this up :)
ReplyDeleteIm trying to figure out what this means:(o>ω<o)/